The last two weeks in Imagine That we have been making lists of our favorite colored balloon. In the past we made a list of our favorite toys. Even though the children who are 3 and 4 are not readers it is important for them to have a rich print environment right from the start. They love seeing me write their name and their idea next to it. It always interests me how engaging of an activity this really is! Below is a part of an article from Scholastic that addresses this very subject.
Conversation's Deep Link to Print
Most of our daily conversations draw from a vocabulary bank of no more than 3,000 words, yet the average adult knows upwards of 20,000. That richness comes from print. Therefore, it is critical that children are exposed to print early on — right from birth! Young children are naturally drawn to books, perhaps sensing intuitively that they contain images and ideas that are all about their world. When you read aloud to your child, you are not only helping to prepare her to learn to read, you are also exposing her to rich language she otherwise might not hear. Reading will help her become familiar with new words and a different language structure, as the form and feel of written language is quite different from spoken language.
To read the entire article click HERE.
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