Kindermusik International has a mission - to put a song in every child's heart. Not every child who can pay the fee, not every child who has someone to drive them, not every child who lives in the suburbs, but - every child. I am so honored to be affiliated with such a company. Because of the outreach teaching I do with my partner, Sherry Grimsby in North Minneapolis, I was given an award this year, this award came with a very generous amount of money. I am excited to have turned those dollars into a whole lot of instruments for La Creche Early Childhood Center and Mary T. Wellcome Development Center both located in North Minneapolis, and serving children who can really use a song in their heart.

Bags, boxes, and bins of instruments wait in my kitchen to be swished, shaken and tapped. Just look at these smiles to see what a difference Kindermusik International has made in the lives of these particular children - and will continue to make every day - now that they have instruments of their very own.