Louisa Mae Alcott (1832),
Madeleine d'Engle (1918)
C.S. Lewis (1898)
C.S. Lewis said, "You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." Nice.
Read more about this creative geniuses at The Writers Almanac
Sharing the joys of Kindermusik, family fun, child development, things that make me smile, book recommendations, poems and pictures
Here’s a cup,
And here’s a cup,
And here’s a pot of tea.
Pour a cup,
And pour a cup,
And have a drink with me!
When I was a child my mother would make tea for us to drink together on cold winter afternoons. Though my mother never sweetened or used milk in her tea, the warmed milk and sugar in my own tea cup was called “Cambric tea,” something my grandmother served to my mother when she herself was a child.
Although it happened often enough, taking tea with my mother using grown up teacups and saucers, stirring in my own sugar and milk as my mother overlooked (without worry for the china) the splashes and puddles from the hurricane of my spoon, all of it made me feel special and burned into my memory that I was important enough to engage in grown up chit-chat and sipping.
Whether you’re enrolled in Our Time’s Milk & Cookies this semester or not, but especially if you are, why not take time to have tea with your child, and often?
Cambric Tea
Tea Treats to Bake Together
Wooden Tea Sets for Pretend Play
Music to Take Tea By