For a winter full of music, dancing and stories register now for Kindermusik!
Kindermusik Village: Cock a Doodle Moo / Dew Drops
Hop on a hayride – and head for the farm with Cock A Doodle-MOO!! Share both new and familiar farm songs including Old MacDonald, Hayride and Clever Cows. Enjoy musical rituals that include massage, lap bounces, exercise and quiet time. At home learning continues with a playful pictures book of farm animals, an instrument and CD.
DewDrops takes you and your child into the middle of a flower garden, seeing the dew drops glisten in the morning sun and feeling the cool breeze blow. Varying styles of music are represented from the lively Celtic dance of the Belfast Hornpipe to the gentle, soothing melody of Scarborough Fair. Whether hammocking, dancing a jig, exploring a drum, singing a lullaby or using a mirror in vocal play activities, you can celebrate the joys of music and your special relationship
Hop on a hayride – and head for the farm with Cock A Doodle-MOO!! Share both new and familiar farm songs including Old MacDonald, Hayride and Clever Cows. Enjoy musical rituals that include massage, lap bounces, exercise and quiet time. At home learning continues with a playful pictures book of farm animals, an instrument and CD.
DewDrops takes you and your child into the middle of a flower garden, seeing the dew drops glisten in the morning sun and feeling the cool breeze blow. Varying styles of music are represented from the lively Celtic dance of the Belfast Hornpipe to the gentle, soothing melody of Scarborough Fair. Whether hammocking, dancing a jig, exploring a drum, singing a lullaby or using a mirror in vocal play activities, you can celebrate the joys of music and your special relationship
Kindermusik Our Time: AWAY WE GO! ages 1.5 to 3 years
Toddlers love to GO. Going is their gift, their license to venture out into the world and their means of retreating to the security of Dad or Mom. With toddlers' desire to go comes an attraction to other things that go - people, animals, pull toys, tricycles, cars, planes, and more. Away We Go! focuses on things that go. Together you’ll journey through fun and exciting musical activities relating to trains, cars, buses, horses, wagons, airplanes and boats.
At Home Materials include:
• Two Music and Movement Books
• Home Activity Book
• Two Home CDs
• Shiny Dinah Carry Box
• Featured instrument: pair of harmonicas
Kindermusik Imagine That: Toys I Make, Trips I Take! ages 3 to 5 years (parents join the last 15 minutes)
With the help of the Toy Maker, Toys I Make, Trips I Take will lead your child on a magical musical journey into a remarkable Toy Shop filled with boats, trains, balls, jack-in-the-box and many other toys. While activities within Toys I Make, Trips I Take are centered on a child’s pretend play and imagination, Imagine That! firmly integrates the learning process by placing a strong musical emphasis on singing, steady beat and ensemble, as well as rhythm and rhythmic patterns.
At Home Materials include:
• Toy Shop Play Set
• Two Literature Books
• Two Home CDs
• Kindermusik Hand Drum
• Imagine That! Backpack (free to all first-time IT enrollees!)
Kindermusik for the Young Child : Levels 2 and 4 (5 1/2 -7 years)
Building on the concepts introduced in Semester 1, Semester 2 in Kindermusik for the Young Child will excite the young mind as it focuses on concepts such as piano/forte, crescendo/decrescendo, and legato/staccato. Explore string and woodwind instruments, notation, and even a bit of Beethoven. Apply new knowledge of aural skills, and read and write music notation while further developing glockenspiel skills. Lesson highlights include “Peter and the Wolf,” “The Orchestra,” and “Sing and Celebrate!”
Semester 4 is the final semester of this exceptional program. Together we will explore the sounds of wind with the introduction of the recorder! As this terrific curriculum winds down, students learn about verse and refrains, solos and chorus, and musical form (ABA and rondo). Review notation, rhythms, treble clef, and the scale. Highlights include “Meet the Recorder” and “World Music Celebration”.
At Home Materials include:
• Folder, Activity Pages and Stickers
• Weekly Music at Home cards
• Games Bag and Manipulatives
• Family Songbook and Home CD
• Glockenspiel (Semester 2)
• Recorder (Semester 4)
Toddlers love to GO. Going is their gift, their license to venture out into the world and their means of retreating to the security of Dad or Mom. With toddlers' desire to go comes an attraction to other things that go - people, animals, pull toys, tricycles, cars, planes, and more. Away We Go! focuses on things that go. Together you’ll journey through fun and exciting musical activities relating to trains, cars, buses, horses, wagons, airplanes and boats.
At Home Materials include:
• Two Music and Movement Books
• Home Activity Book
• Two Home CDs
• Shiny Dinah Carry Box
• Featured instrument: pair of harmonicas
Kindermusik Imagine That: Toys I Make, Trips I Take! ages 3 to 5 years (parents join the last 15 minutes)
With the help of the Toy Maker, Toys I Make, Trips I Take will lead your child on a magical musical journey into a remarkable Toy Shop filled with boats, trains, balls, jack-in-the-box and many other toys. While activities within Toys I Make, Trips I Take are centered on a child’s pretend play and imagination, Imagine That! firmly integrates the learning process by placing a strong musical emphasis on singing, steady beat and ensemble, as well as rhythm and rhythmic patterns.
At Home Materials include:
• Toy Shop Play Set
• Two Literature Books
• Two Home CDs
• Kindermusik Hand Drum
• Imagine That! Backpack (free to all first-time IT enrollees!)
Kindermusik for the Young Child : Levels 2 and 4 (5 1/2 -7 years)
Building on the concepts introduced in Semester 1, Semester 2 in Kindermusik for the Young Child will excite the young mind as it focuses on concepts such as piano/forte, crescendo/decrescendo, and legato/staccato. Explore string and woodwind instruments, notation, and even a bit of Beethoven. Apply new knowledge of aural skills, and read and write music notation while further developing glockenspiel skills. Lesson highlights include “Peter and the Wolf,” “The Orchestra,” and “Sing and Celebrate!”
Semester 4 is the final semester of this exceptional program. Together we will explore the sounds of wind with the introduction of the recorder! As this terrific curriculum winds down, students learn about verse and refrains, solos and chorus, and musical form (ABA and rondo). Review notation, rhythms, treble clef, and the scale. Highlights include “Meet the Recorder” and “World Music Celebration”.
At Home Materials include:
• Folder, Activity Pages and Stickers
• Weekly Music at Home cards
• Games Bag and Manipulatives
• Family Songbook and Home CD
• Glockenspiel (Semester 2)
• Recorder (Semester 4)