This is what I will be looking at every evening for the next week. Isn't it beautiful. The Sand Hill Crane has been on and off and on the endangered spieces list over the years. It is a magnificent bird that migrates from the Southern Hemisphere to northern climbs in the shape of an hourglass. For about 5 weeks in March and April just about every Sand Hill Crane on the planet can be found in a 30 mile stretch between Kearney and Grand Island Nebraska. My husbands family owns land smack in the middle of Nebraska just a few miles from there. Each spring we try to spend a few days amidst the cranes. They seem to like it around the house for every night many hundreds of them set down right in the front "yard" - (this used to be a working ranch, the front yard is what we call the old buffalo pen, much bigger than the front yards we are used to - but hay, it's Nebraska, there is A LOT of room out there!)
Once again, if I could just attach a sound here it would be the song of the Sand Hill Crane, it is gentle and earie, a cooing song of a taradactyl type dove. We hear it a long while before we see the birds - they fly high, high, high - so many in a flock, they look like a wisp of smoke or a small dark cloud drifting by.
My blog will be quiet for a few days. No interent connection in Overton, at least not where I will be, out by the river watching the cranes fly by.
If you want to learn more about the migration of the Sand Hill Crane just click
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