Wednesday, September 19, 2007


If only I had a camera today. I am sitting at our new studios in the Arts at River Ridge Building. Happy to find I have a wireless internet connection from here - cool.

To my left a Village class of 6 babies, 5 mommies and 1 daddy, tossing and catching scarves, singing "Oh my little boys, who made your britches?"

Just down the hall is an Our Time class. 12 children, 10 mommies, 1 grandma and 1 care giver. I hear them tapping sticks to a French Folk Tune.

Watching these classes is my delight - the only better place for me would be to be inside the door, but this is sweet.

Pictures to come.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:29 PM

    You are sooo made for this! I can't wait to see you in class!
