Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I miss Molly

Molly taught me how to blog, is inspirationally creative, writes perfect words about kids and music, is an extraordinary web surfer, has a voice that is nice to hear. Where are you Molly?


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Dear Helen,
    Just yesterday I emailed Merri to ask if she had heard from Molly. I am concerned about her, because she hasn't posted on her blog in so long. Let us know if you hear anything from her!
    Jan Schluter in New Orleans

  2. Hi Jan, I am sure she is just swamped like the rest of us this time of year.

    See you in Chicago!?

  3. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Yes, I'll be there with bells on!
    Can't wait, Jan

  4. I miss Molly too!

    Looking forward to meeting you in Chicago NEXT year...

    Carolyn in West Vancouver, BC

  5. I just saw this!!!!

    Awww, I am so touched, thank you Helen. I'm back in action, I tell ya.

    And yes, I have been crazy busy, lately. Lots of great things happening with the band, and you know about everything else.

    I am touched and inspired. Thank you.
