Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Minnesota Orchestra plays for Free

The Minnesota Orchestra is kicking off its three-week Percussion Festival with a FREE concert on Peavey Plaza. Join music Director Osmo Vanska and the Orchestra for lunch at noon on May 21.
Preschool is over, take a field trip - jump on the light rail from the 28th street station - or from the MOA transit stations (under Bloomingdales), the train runs about every 10 minutes. Take it all the way to the Nicollet Mall. then stroll down the Mall to Orchestra Hall - Peavey Plaza is just next door.

60 Minutes BEFORE the concert music will begin - come early and enjoy Mu Daiko, a local Japanese Taiko drumming group. BIG DRUMS - you will like it!!

If it rains, the concert will be held indoors at Orchestra Hall.

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