Saturday, May 31, 2008

If I lived in New York City I would go to this!

The World Science Festival, May 28 - June 1 New York City
Music and the Brain
As part of the 200th anniversary celebration of The Abyssinian Baptist Church in the City of New York, where Calvin O. Butts, III is pastor, the Abyssinian Baptist Church choir will join neurologist/author Oliver Sacks in an exploration of the power of music to inspire and uplift, and as an effective tool in the therapeutic process. Blending neuroscience with the choir's vibrant and extensive repertoire, along with reflections on the role of African-American sacred music's significant historical expressions, this program provides a stimulating context for Sacks' true-life accounts of patients whose lives were altered by the empowerme

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tucker Rocks

Although this might not be everyone's cup of tea - it is a proud mama that posts this crazy bass solo played by Tucker at the 9th grade band concert last week. The audience loved it.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Don't Forget the Sun Screen

We are gearing up for SUMMER MUSICAL CAMPS AND PLAY DATES FOR KIDS starting June 3. Don't forget the sun screen. We will be walking, jumping, and all kinds of moving in the green grass, playing with bubbles, parachutes, hoops, balls, and more

It's not too late to register - call Helen at 952-412-0265 today!

Friday, May 23, 2008


With the tears a Land hath shed
Their graves should ever be green.

~Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Monday, May 19, 2008

What does your toddler crave?

I am all summer classes all the time this week. Today, I am thinking about ZOO TRAIN and CREATURES AT THE OCEAN! - these are our two classes for children 18-36 months this summer. Both are full of wonderful music, pretend play, movement, dance, drama, cuddling, and learning. You don't want the summer to speed by without some one on one time with your child. Check our website for the schedule or just give Helen a call (952-412-0265)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Meet Molly

With all of the challenges we are facing, with economic and natural disasters happening all around, here is an uplifting story about Molly. The horse who survived Katrina and worse. Now she stands as an example of how to forge ahead and make a difference.

Thanks for sending me this story Uncle Donald

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Minnesota Orchestra plays for Free

The Minnesota Orchestra is kicking off its three-week Percussion Festival with a FREE concert on Peavey Plaza. Join music Director Osmo Vanska and the Orchestra for lunch at noon on May 21.
Preschool is over, take a field trip - jump on the light rail from the 28th street station - or from the MOA transit stations (under Bloomingdales), the train runs about every 10 minutes. Take it all the way to the Nicollet Mall. then stroll down the Mall to Orchestra Hall - Peavey Plaza is just next door.

60 Minutes BEFORE the concert music will begin - come early and enjoy Mu Daiko, a local Japanese Taiko drumming group. BIG DRUMS - you will like it!!

If it rains, the concert will be held indoors at Orchestra Hall.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Zoo Train

I could not be happier to have found this sweet on-line store called Crocodile Creek - the art of play, where I found this wild animals puzzle.

It reminds me of my favorite summer camp to share with your kids called ZOO TRAIN! There is no better combination than your child, zoo animals and trains. Don't wait, register now for ZOO TRAIN - coming up on Tuesdays in June.

Contact me at: or call me at 952-412-0265 for more information

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Happy Birthday Brahms

Happy Birthday to Johannes Brahms. Who has put more babies to sleep than he could ever have dreamed.

Click HERE to hear a nice a capella version with altered lyrics which are sweet.

These are the lyrics Brahms intended:
Lullaby and good night, with roses bedight
With lilies o'er spread is baby's wee bed
Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed
Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed

Lullaby and good night, thy mother's delight
Bright angels beside my darling abide
They will guard thee at rest, thou shalt wake on my breast
They will guard thee at rest, thou shalt wake on my breast

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Jumping Beans!

Jumping Beans is the Kindermusik Class for Preschool kids this JUNE. Pictured on the front is Diego - he walks around his village in Peru, looking for things that could make instruments but his family always asks that he "find a quieter instrument." That is what we will be doing each day. Along with introducing the keyboard in a 4 year old friendly way, having a fun filled music lesson, enjoying fresh air outside, we will also be making a new instrument each day, just like Diego. Allow Kindermusik to stretch your child's mind this summer as we sing, dance, play and create.

Click here
to register for the June session of Jumping Beans!

Monday, May 05, 2008

International Children's Festival

I am so excited to share the information about the FLNT HILLS 2008 INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL. It is held at the Ordway in St. Paul on Saturday May 31 and Sunday June 1. There are shows from all over the world - lots of free outdoor concerts but all performances in side the center are just $5,00 - all shows, all seats.

This is a great opportunity to go see some live music with your kids - and it is less than a movie! More to come later on my picks for your little ones.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Family: Weekend update

Lorelei has a great time at the Burnsville Highschool Prom with Zach.
Tucker is confirmed this weekend along with 477 other kids from Hosanna.

Thursday, May 01, 2008