Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Free Live Music Near You!

There is some good live music at a Junior High near you. This time of year there are band or choir concerts nearly every night of the week. I have been to 4 of them in the last two weeks myself. Last night we heard a great rendition of Bolero and Low Rider among other classic selections. You can't beat the school band for a broad program

Just go to your school districts website (ISD and click the calendar. High School concerts usually cost a little something, I think they are worth it. Junior or Middle School concerts are going to be free, and quite good. Check the elementary school band concerts if you are looking for the cute factor and like to catch the up and coming talent.

Here is a snap of Tucker at the Eagle Ridge Jr. High Concert. We also got to see him play both the electric and upright bass which totally made Curella DeVille cook.


  1. We are at the 5th grade band stage with the trumpet right now - and LOVING it! Thanks for the glimpse of the future - and memories of my past bands :-)

  2. Aw - 5th grade band, so so sweet! It is amazing how fast the progress comes. Reminds me of my early days teaching grade school band - such fond memories! Good to hear from you Debbie!
