Louisa Mae Alcott (1832),
Madeleine d'Engle (1918)
C.S. Lewis (1898)
C.S. Lewis said, "You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." Nice.
Read more about this creative geniuses at The Writers Almanac
Sharing the joys of Kindermusik, family fun, child development, things that make me smile, book recommendations, poems and pictures
Mark Twain was born today, too!
Nice new pictures, by the way Helen. And as for the video, I have two ways you can watch it.
The easiest would be to show them the one I uploaded to You Tube:
There is also this higher resolution version, which can take quite a while to upload, but it's worth the wait: http://www.kindermusik.com/2006KindermusikConvention/outreach.mov
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