Friday, October 13, 2006

Its not to cold for marching band

The Burnsville High School Marching Blaze are preforming an INDOOR marching band show on Saturday night. (This Saturday, October 14) at 7:00 in the BHS Gym. Tickets are $8.00

It is going to be a great show for the family, featuring their super field show, the big band hit Sing Sing Sing and Summertime, as well as 20 other fun stand tunes.

How can the band actually march in a gym you wonder? Come and see. Here is a the HOT cymbal line showing off some of their visuals for the drumline show. Its cold outside so come on in and enjoy the lights drums and music of the MARCHING BLAZE.

(By the way that is Lorelei, cymbal section leader, second from the left (-:)

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