Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Try something new

It is funny trying something REALLY new. Considering all the expereinces we have had, when is the last time you have expereinced something truely NEW? (Did you know a 3 year old child learns about 9 new words every single day - that is remarkable, I can't remember my last NEW word).

Well, this is it for me. Every key stroke, post, preview, publish, edit, unpublish - it is a big surprise! It has worked sometimes. I have written some things that are no longer viewable - hmmm, I wonder where they have gone. I think the picture is too big, and probably not the right one - my name isn't right either.

But I am having some fun with this and have decided to carve out some time to keep learning about it - and I wouldn't mind a new word here and there either.

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