Sunday, March 19, 2006


Mondays are full and beautiful days for me! My daughter, Lorelei has a piano lesson first thing at 7:15am from there things don't slow down until my son, Tucker gets home from Scouts at 9:00pm. (I will spare you the list of what happens in between)

I think some Sunday nights like this - wow! Here comes another Monday, am I ready? Do I like it like this? Should I re think my schedule for next year? Maybe. I mean it is always good to be evaluating and re evaluating how we are spending our time. But/And - I LOVE my Mondays!

How could I not, starting my day with nine 3 year olds (see this class in the picture below) who always have stories just spilling out of them, excited to dive in - sing, play, pretend, talk . . . and can you believe, my day usually gets BETTER from there! What I do for a living just amazing, really amazing!

If any one I know is feeling blue or a little low energy, come spend a Monday with me. There is nothing like being in the presence of pure hearts and open minds such as these.

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