Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Gently comes the morning
Softly comes the sun
Kiss away the dew drops
Hold you in my arms

Smiles to greet the morning
Love to Greet the sun
Hold you in my heart
For now and ever more

Toora Loora Loora, Toora Loora Li,
Toora Loora Loora, Hush now, don't you cry
Toora Loora Loora, Toora Loora Li,
Toora Loora Loora that's an Irish Lullaby.

Although not a drop of Irish blood flows in my veins, I love this day. There has always been something so cheerful mischeiveous and magical about it. What with Leprachauns upending chairs and leaving treats in preschool, (which I have heard tell this week) to green beer and corn beef dinners. Thanks to St. Patrick for this special day.

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