Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I'm on the Radio!!

Listen to The Parenting Path®  - Parenting Coach Lori Jo Kemper on internet talk radio

Click on the blog talk radio logo above to hear the 25 minute show!
I want to thank Lori Jo Kemper of The Parenting Path for hosting this interview. It was fun!! Feel free to forward this to any friends who want to hear about Kindermusik in "my voice" - Helen

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Welcome to the first day of summer! My husband Trygve is an avid fisher man who happily talks me into a boat ride once in a while.

On this particular evening the sky was clear, the weather fine and the fish were biting. We caught 27 - an assortment of crappies, sunnys, blue gills and bass on Prior Lake

Trygve was happy fishing with his "girls" me, Lorelei and Dinah - shown here - she loves to fish.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Piano Recital

Last night I had the pleasure of playing a piece for six hands with my daughter Lorelei and her teacher Margarita Dorfman. My mom couldn't make it - so here you go mom, I hope you like it.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I Love Looky Book - Swim Buddies

For a closer look at this book click the eyes on the upper right corner of the page.