Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Today. . .

. . . is National Oatmeal Cookie Day. Here is my favorite recipe (thanks Martha)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Top Ten


Rhythms of the Land
  1. Summer is longer than we remember.
  2. Music makes any day great.
  3. Music is good for us!
  4. Music makes us all happy!
  5. New songs for summer.
  6. Your child is getting ready for preschool, in the fall
  7. Outside music making is a blast!
  8. Crafting
  9. Introduction to Keyboarding.
  10. We LOVE you!

Call Helen to talk about your child and find just the right class: 952-412-0265

Monday, April 28, 2008

Telling the truth

Alright, I have clearly been having a bloggers block - that has lasted several months. It lives with thoughts like, "oh, nobody wants to hear this." or " I am sure everyone has already seen that." These strange thoughts pop upout of no where and seem to make decisions independent of my input.

So, I am putting all of that aside, and am going to commit to blogging regularly again. I like it. It makes me smile and I love sharing little things with all of you. If you have already seen something I put up, that's okay, if you didn't want to read this or that - that's okay. I am going to start putting it all up again anyway.

Whew, that is a load off my mind, and heart.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

She always sings at home!

How many times I have heard these words, now it has been captured for proof on video. I always say, it doesn't matter what kids do in front of me, it is how they play music at home that counts! That is true - but oooh, how cute is this!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Carl Webb Band

I cold not resist posting this picture of my Uncle Donald's band. He sends me so many good things that land here for everyone to enjoy. (He is the guy on the right, in the orange shirt and jacket holding drum sticks)

My Uncle Donald has lived 85 years and is still playing drums in the Carl Webb Band, has embraced the computer and the internet, and is the most optimistic person I have ever known. It goes to show what a life time playing music can do.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Autistic License

Autism is the fastest growing epidemic in this country. Nationally, 1 in 150 children are diagnosed with it. In Minnesota it's even higher 1 in 105, the third highest rate in the country. It is critically important to see this play - We have all been touched by this epidemic, and its impact on our society has just begun. Several community performances are being offered FREE OF CHARGE sponsored by: Partners in Excellence, The Minnesota Autism Center and Greater Twin Cities ARC. This play is most appropriate for adults and children over 13 years old.

Autistic License has been named on of the 10 best plays of 2007 and recently was nominated for the national Theater Critics New Play Award.

Minneapolis South High School Auditorium, FRIDAY APRIL 11 7:00 (Free)
Anoka High School Auditorium, SATURDAY APRIL 12 7:00 (Free)
Temple Israel, SUNDAY APRIL 13 4:30 ($15.00)
Lakeville North High School Auditorium TUESDAY APRIL 15 7:00 (Free)
Illusion Theater FRIDAY APRIL 25 7:00 ($20.00)
Illusion Theater SATURDAY APRIL 26 7:00 ($20.00)
Shakopee Senior High Auditorium SUNDAY APRIL 27 2:00 (Free)

Call the Illusion Theater Box Office to reserve free seats or purchase tickets: 612-339-4944
or click HERE

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Happy Birthday Elizabeth

Yesterday was my dear sister Elizabeth's birthday!!
Here is a picture of us taken a few years ago on a hot hot summer day. Hmmm - Elizabeth loves the hot weather and is one of the very . . no maybe the only person I know to be a hold out on air conditioning.

Happy Birthday beautiful sister, beautiful mother, beautiful teacher.

Autism Awareness Day

Did you know . . . .
1 in 50
children are diagnosed with autism
1 in 94
boys are on the autism spectrum
67 c
hildren are diagnosed per day
a new case is diagnosed almost
every 20 minutes

More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with AIDS, diabetes and cancer combined.

Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that lasts a person's lifetime. It affects communication skills, socialization abilities and behavior.

For more information: Autism Resources
Here is a movie: AUTISM EVERYDAY