Wednesday, January 31, 2007

It's cold outside

Just look at this beautiul multi block ice carving - it was not the winner but it is my favorite. With the "arctic blast" the weather reporters can't stop talking about these sculptures will be around for quite awhile. If you head down to the Winter Carnival this weekend - don't forget the warm clothing drive going on. Bring out grown coats, hats and mittens - everyone needs to keep warm. Thanks for sharing.

Happy to see you!

I was so happy to see Davey and ALL our new friends at Kindermusik last week! Some of our classes are full and some are not. Please come and join us for a free demonstration class to see what it is all about. Visit our website or call me at 952-895-9006 to learn more. You can meet Davey at 5:30 on Thursday nights in FAMILY TIME .

Cuppy Cake

Thanks to Shirley Erickson for sharing this outrageously cute video.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thank you!!

Thank you for the great start to Kindermusik. I love singing, dancing, pretending, playing and creating with you all! Here is a thank you letter to all of you, written by my sweet friend Molly who is an inspiration to all musicians who love children too.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Snow Sculpting

The St. Paul Winter Carnival starts this week-end. I like it for the amount of fun free entertainment it provides on a few mid winter nights. The ice and snow sculptures never cease to amaze me, they are well worth the trip to HARRIET ISLAND (this is different from past carnivals where the sculptures have been in RICE PARK).

On Sunday catch the PARADE in Down town St. Paul - see this years Klondike Kate and King Boreus.

Also a wonderful concert for families is planned on Monday evening Jan 29 at 6:30. Hear the Minnesota Sinfonia performing "Fairy Tales children's classics - FREE in the HOT DISH TENT

Although our winter has been dismal as far as making ice and snow - I guess they did make a big snow slide that can be ridden for $2.00 - have fun!

Monday, January 22, 2007

excellent shoes

Too bad these only go to size 3.5 or I would
certainly have them.
Vincent Shoe Store

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What does Kindermusik REALLY do?

When connected to singing, listening, dancing and playing instruments, Kindermusik provides a broad MULTI-DIMENSIONAL educational experience that sets the foundation for a LIFETIME of musical enjoyment. Your child's brain is LITERALLY forming a rich network of music, movement, language and idea connections, which, when used frequently, remains intact FOR LIFE! This network becomes even more powerful to your child when it is SHARED with YOU. That is why Kindermusik is really is the BEST CHOICE you can make for your child today.


Monday, January 15, 2007

to serve

All you need is a heart of grace to serve.
Hear an excerpt form Dr. King's speech
"The Drum Major's Instinct"

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Carrot Seed 2

Click HERE to listen to this wonderful recording of my favorite children's book The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss. This recording presented by the Children's Record Guild in the 60s and 70s took me back to those great story records I listened to on the "hi fi" when I was little. Its the crackle and pop of the album and needle that I miss the most. (and the least)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

pass the winter with a song and dance

It has been mild, but it is a LONG winter! Join us for Kindermusik
classes starting January 22 and we will go all the way through May 14
when once again the days will be long and warm, fresh and sweet.

It's easy to register on line

Friday, January 05, 2007

The Day Shay got to Play

Have you seen the story about the day Shay got to play? Click the picture here to read this story. A beautiful display of decency made by children for a child. A window on the heart of a man who is father to a special child. Take heart.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Screen time alternatives for 2007

Of course it’s best for children to turn off the tv and do something with their hands, minds, and bodies. If you need a little help flipping the switch or pulling the plug, visit where you will find tips and support for those seeking to limit screentime and encourage creative play.

And while you’re suffering from tv withdrawal, here’s a list of online resources that give great ideas for things to do instead:

Monday, January 01, 2007

Ring in the True!

Ring out the old.
Ring in the new.
Ring happy bells across the snow
The year is going, let him go.
Ring out the false.
Ring in the true.

Lord Tennyson